A myspace bulleting from Mehdi

From: Mehdi

Date: Apr 29, 2006 6:03 PM

Subject: Silence for Johnny Damon. . . .

Body: The Dirt Dogs are wrong.

On Monday, May 1st, we all know that Johnny Damon will be here for the first time since donning a Yankee uniform. The Dirt Dogs are campaigning for a standing ovation for the Unfrozen Caveman Center Fielder, because they feel that he has earned his respect from Sox fans. I have another idea.

No cheers, no boos, no clapping. Nothing.


He deserves nothing from us. Nothing. The man was on Martha Stewart this week, for Pete's sake. Martha Stewart! Is anyone else embarrassed by this? He's a baseball player, not a soufle chef. He has no limit to the amount of press he'll do in order to keep his pretty little face on television. If he spent half the time in the gym that he spent with the media, he'd be able to make a throw from center field to second base without needing a cutoff man. I was OK with him until the Martha Stewart appearance - then something inside me just exploded.
I want silence when Damon walks on the field. I don't even want to hear the Aramark guys selling Fenway Franks. Silence. We should be able to hear The Sausage Guy's grill if all goes well. Only silence will show Damon that he has indeed overdone it and needs to just play baseball instead of prancing around town with his stripper wife and promoting every last bowel movement that he makes. He's a disgrace.

Please, forward this to everyone you know. If the six degrees of separation theory is true, then this email should get to Damon himself before tomorrow. I've even included some Yankee fans on this list because even they should be embarrassed of the shameless self-promoting of their new overpaid center fielder.

Silence is golden.